I am so good and proud of myself. I totally pulled off a surprise kidnapping of my husband.
When Mom McKneely was in town helping me sew curtains for my home we concocted a plan to take Stephen away for a weekend to celebrate our anniversary and have the 4 "Bedlamites" stay with them.
I really wanted to go here:
And so I found a B&B not too far from College Station and Houston. I secretly worked with Stephen's co-workers to "fill his schedule" with things he could miss. Mom McKneely had been in Dallas following Clara's first birthday party and we were her ride home. We arrived at Stephen's work around lunchtime. I called him and he was at his desk. I explained to him that the people in his office knew that I was there and that he was to come with me. That Mom and Dad were watching the kids and we were going away for the weekend. I had to repeat myself and he said, "OK." His co-workers instructed him to turn off his computer and come with me.
Our retreat was a house we had all to ourselves in the country. It was quiet and secluded and didn't have internet access. =) We slept and watched movies and just RESTED. And we went to the Temple. We hadn't been recently and it was good to go. I ran into Hermana Daisey Reyes who was a member in my area in Spring. I remember eating pupusas at her house, YUM!
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