Sunday, September 27, 2009

It's official, #4 is on the way

(ULTRASOUND PHOTO COMING SOON--computer is having issues)

We're THRILLED to announce that McKneely #4 is officially on it's way. Official due date of March 31st--I guess my body just really likes being pregnant at this time. KP was born April 1, Sam was born April 12 and with Stephen's birthday April 16th let's just make the party a bit more rowdy!!

I'm almost 13 weeks, through my first trimester. This time it was fun to keep it a bit of a secret for a little while. But we told our kids this morning so the secret is no longer safe.=)

My belly is poking out a bit earlier than usual--I guess when you've already had 3 your muscles are tired and get back into the same old routine. =) I'm over the feeling sick and being exhausted part so that's great. Now it's to the in between wardrobe issues.=)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

An "BRIEF" Story

So Sam is not potty trained for #2 yet. We've been working on it but he's just not ready. We've tried EVERYTHING but he's just going to do it when he decides he wants to. We've even been wavering a bit on going #1, which he so can handle so for the last week or so we're back in a focused plan getting at least #1 mastered and hoping that we'll get #2 eventually. We're saving $$ on diapers and I'm practicing patience.

So we're into day #3 of focused intensity potty training. Sam has a diarrhea type diaper. (what timing right?) I'm rinsing it out in the toilet when I start to wretch and dry heave. I flush the toilet to get the smell gone and I accidentally let go of the underwear. Shwoop! They're sucked down the toilet. Sam's favorite Red Diego Underpants are in the toilet plumbing. I tried to reach down with my hand but their further than I can reach. So that's totally a Stephen job to tackle when he gets home.

I do have the forethought to try and rummage up a snake (plumbing tool not an animal) from a friend to assist my tired and handy husband later that evening.

Stephen gets home from work, Sam's at the dinner table and he announces, (complete with hand motions by the way--hands open and in front of him enphatically punctuating his statement) "Dad, something really bad happened today. My Diego underpants got sucked down the toilet. But we got a snake so you can go get them out."

Needless to say the pants were not so far into the plumbing and with some elbow grease (thanks hon!) and a plunger we were able to flush them out of the system. We then checked the other water appliances further down the water line of the house and so far so good.

But now Sam is in mourning that he can't have his pants back--we haven't explained to him that he really wouldn't want them back at this point. I've assured him that there are no animals under our house that will get them, and I'm sure that they'll bring a smile to the sanitation worker who finds them.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Kindergartener Kaitlyn

The day has finally come, we have a child in regular, everyday school. It's week #3 and she's LOVIN IT!!

First day of school was a bit hectic as it's new for all of us. We have to get up earlier than usual (which I thought was early before!!)
A healthy breakfast of left over cinnamon rolls, a banana and milk.

We had a new backpack and lunch bag packed and ready to go! I know you're shocked that she chose pink.
Say c-ya to big sister!! Loading up the car with all the kiddos (thanks to my friend Kim who took the younger 2 for about 30 minutes for the first few days while I could focus on just KP)

Olson Elementary is a BRAND NEW SCHOOL this year and so it was new for every parent too--mass chaos in the parking lot both for the drop off and pick up. We were almost late getting there as we had to park quite a ways away. We could walk them into their classroom (it's the only day they allow that--after that it's into the cafeteria to wait with their class for their teacher)

We found her desk, (at the green table next to a sweet girl) did a worksheet, mom had to do a couple things and then I said to Kaitlyn, "It's time for me to go." She whispered, "I'm not ready for you to go yet." I said, "Okay I'll go stand by the wall for just a minute." After a minute I walked over and said, "It's time for me to go, I'll be back to get you after school is over." "Okay mom." Hugs and kisses and I was out the door! (totally shocked by the way!!)

Now on the 3rd week of school, I am amazed at her growth. For a few days I walked her with 2 in tow into the cafeteria to find her class and wait with them. After about 4 days I suggested that she could walk into the cafeteria by herself and say good-bye to me at the door. On day 5 she wanted to try it. We did that for a couple of days and then I suggested that she could find the cafeteria by herself from the door of the school. She didn't think she could, so I asked her to show me the way and see if she could. She could and the next morning she announced that I could leave her at the door of the school. Then after a couple days of that she announced that I didn't need to escort her to the door, I could just drop her off in the carpool line and she could find her way along the sidewalk into the school and to the cafeteria where her class waits. We've done that for about 2 days now and I have to admit it makes me more nervous than her. I always sit and watch her until I can't see her anymore just to be sure she's made it. I can't believe how independent she's become and how she instigated it! What a girl!!