Monday, March 30, 2015

Lindsey turns 7!

Lindsey turned 7 the weekend that all the family was here!  She ate up all the attention.  She loved the boots Grandpa Lewis gave her and the quilt that she's been waiting for from Grandma McKneely was done and she's slept with it every day since.

Funny story to record.  Stephen's cousin Josh lives in the area and our children adore him.  We invited him over to celebrate with us.  He texted me and told me to tell Lindsey that he was bringing her somethings that swims in the ocean.  I thought, oh great, he's getting her a fish!  So we told her and she says, "Oh I know!  He's bringing me a DOLPHIN!"  to which we tried to temper her expectations that we'd have to dig a bigger hole in the backyard to care for a dolphin.  Well, Josh arrived and sure enough.....

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