Thursday, April 7, 2016

Nativity 2015

I'm so proud of my kids!  There has been a big push from our church leaders to "Keep the Sabbath Day Holy" and so we've been looking for ways to do just that.  So imagine my pleasant surprise when one Sunday morning before church they all together built this.  We didn't know they were doing it and they were so proud of themselves when they showed it to us.  And what's more, it was done without any fights!

It is so unique, there are gifts in the "cup holders" on the camels belonging to the wise "guys".  There's a lizard and a hedgehog, and I love the angel and the star.

They enthusiastically asked me if they could display it at our annual stake nativity.  How could I resist.  They did display it and it was a HIT!  It was loved by so many and so many people were impressed.  They thought it came from some kit we'd bought but little did they know it came from the many many sets we have at home: the Tree House set, the Lego Friends sets, and even some Star Wars sets.  There was one other Lego nativity display but it was done by an adult and ours was a favorite for sure!  In fact they're considering sending out a request for Lego nativities for next year's display.

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