Thursday, August 24, 2017

Sams extractions!

Sam had a HUGE change today--her had 7 teeth pulled! 
Sam has an interesting mouth.  Nature never created a set of permanent molars on the lower part of his mouth.  In consulting with dentists and orthodontists, we decided to pull the baby teeth and the corresponding upper molars with the intent to push everything together with braces when he gets them.  So that's 4 teeth right?
Well the other interesting thing about Sams mouth is that for some strange reason, his roots of his baby teeth don't absorb really well or quickly, so we've already had a couple baby teeth we had to pull because the roots didn't absorb and the permanent teeth started coming in crazy crooked to the side of the baby tooth.  And these extractions cost $$ each time.  So when the oral surgeon offered to pop out the remaining 3 baby teeth I said, absolutely.

And this meant that Sam left the oral surgery with 7 less teeth than he started.  

Eating was a struggle.  He was on a soft food diet for awhile.  Eating fajitas on his birthday a few days later was impossible.  Poor guy--hope his teeth grow in quickly.

On another note--I LOVE going to the school and seeing notes about my children being kind.  The school counselor has a 100s chart.  There are 100 spaces for kids to get caught by a staff member being kind.  And when it's full, the counselor draws numbers and if your act of kindness is on a number she draws, then you get a prize.

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