Sunday, May 4, 2008


So we've been planning a train themed birthday for our chubster we were so pleasantly suprised to find a FREE electric train exhibit in our community on his birthday. Both he and KP were all over it! They could have stood there all day to watch. What was really nice is that one gentleman put his exhibit down low at their level so they could see everything so easily.

Here we are outside the old Allen railway station, it was a beautiful day!

So little did our little guy know, but we had the ULTIMATE train set for him for his birthday present. He's really into construction trucks right now and can totally identify and name most of them. We found a great wooden train set that had a cement truck, a bulldozer and backhoe as part of the set. He's in cloud nin! And we were wise enough to get a set with 2 trains and enough track for 2 separate tracks so that WWIII doesn't breakout spontaneously between him and his older sister!

It was such a special day, I can't believe my little guy is 2!

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