Thursday, October 16, 2008

Just Surviving

Stephen is traveling....a lot. He was gone Monday the 6th through Wednesday the 8th. Was home Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Then he left this past Sunday the 12th and is gone until Friday night. He'll be home Saturday and Sunday then leaves again Monday (the 20th) and is gone until Wednesday (the 22nd) night again. Whew! I figure that in this 17 day period, he'll be home 5 days. What do you do when you're playing the single mom? I've done my best to keep me and my kiddos busy. Here's what we've done:

Monday: Went up to my parents for dinner and FHE. We had a traditional FHE like the one I grew up with where my mom taught the lesson while dad drew pictures. It was great!
Tuesday: Dentist visits for the kids--they love these! Then to the park with a "new" friend--to them, old to me.
Sunday: Church, went on a walk
Monday: Preschool, baked chocolate chip cookies, and played soccer in the backyard for FHE
Tuesday: Went to the "rock" park, went to McDonalds for lunch and played on their playgroud too!! In the afternoon we watched a movie and popped popcorn.
Wednesday: Grandparents Lewis showed up for dinner and played with us. Sam got some much needed male wrestling time in--I just don't cut it.
Thursday: I was rescued by some good friends and had a 2 hour break to run errands. Then I took a powernap while Super Why occupied my kids--I NEVER do that so I figured I'd earned it.
Friday: Hmmmmmm, any ideas?

We've played outside a lot, went on nightly walks and pestered neighbors. Dinners have been ultra simple. Sam's in a dumping stage so we've cleaned his room and his dumpings more times than I'd like to count. He also drew on the wall tonight so that was fun to talk about with him. I am tired and appreciate my husband 100 times more for all he does for me and our family. I'm so glad I have him as my partner. I really miss him a lot! I also have a new respect for single moms which deepens every time I tackle this by myself!

1 comment:

MomDadLewis said...

I think you are doing swell!!!