Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sometimes I'm just feisty like that

So, those who know me well would agree that I have a fairly strong personality. Often I say things the wrong way and offend people, I can be intimidating, and when I feel passionately about something WATCH OUT!

So I've had a "CAUSE" lately that has been taking a lot of my attention (thus the lack of blogging).


This year our district piloted a program in a handful of elementary schools where the kindergarten students would not be assigned a teacher until 2nd week of school. During which time they would rotate from classroom to classroom for different subjects while the teachers assess them and try and place them in order to create balanced classrooms.

I think it's awful for the kids who get held in limbo and have to deal with constant change in a very transitional period in life. It creates chaos when they need structure to feel safe and thrive. Most child development specialists agree with me.

I am all for assessing kids and trying to get balance in the classroom but it needs to be done prior to school starting so that they can have structure and routine from day one!

So I did some research, (thanks Mom McKneely!!) and drafted a beautiful letter, encouraged my friends to do the same--(and even some strangers too), and then spoke at the open forum at the recent School Board Meeting.

It went well, I don't know if we've made a difference, it seems the district wants to make teachers happier than they want to make kids feel safe and thrive. But we'll see, at least I've tried.

AND I've used my strong personality for good this time!=)

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