January 2011
We all have New Years Resolutions right? Well one of mine is getting back into keeping the history of my family. I used to be really good about keeping personal histories for each of my kids and scrapbooking but I really let that go in 2010 (having a 4th kid and a busy calling can do that to you!) so in 2011 I'm resigned to do better. So one thing I'm going to try and do is EVERY FAST SUNDAY (it's an LDS thing, we fast the first Sunday of each month and give what we would have spent on food as an offering to care for the poor and needy in our area) take a photo of my kids. Isn't that a great idea? I heard it once at a family history workshop and it's a great way to remember to be taking photos regularly! So enjoy our photo:
And it being the first Sunday of a new year means that our kids get new teachers and classes in Primary (children's Sunday School) and Lindsey (Ta-Dah!) got to graduate from Nursery into being a Sunbeam!! She felt SOOOOOO Big and had been very excited for this day. Other happenings this week is the Long Anticipated Watch
D.O.G.S Day! (Dads of Great Students) A program at Kaitlyn's school where Dad's agree to spend an entire day on campus. They greet the kids as they arrive at school giving hi 5's, they eat lunch with their kid, play with them at recess, and be in the classroom. Studies have shown that a male role model's mere presence at school boosts performance. So Kaitlyn has been waiting and waiting for this day to come! Never mind it was her first day back at school (which she loves) the fact that Dad was going to spend the day with her had her up and dressed by 6:00AM!! She can't wait for another Watch D.O.G.S day in April near her Birthday! Thanks hon for being a great dad!! (to learn more visit www.fathers.com)
And finally some news on the "Big Man" Matthew. He is full on crawling, on his hands and knees and is super quick! What's more, just after 3-4 days of crawling, he pulled himself to standing on the couch--WOAH slow down buddy I can only take so many developmental mile stones at a time! And what's more, he's decided he'd like to eat table food he can feed himself so his diet has gone from only pureed veggies and fruits to chicken, cheese, noodles, pureed beans, more crackers and he loves to drink formula! (my supply just isn't keeping up) so we're still nursing but at meal times I fill the sippy cup with formula and he's great! Now if we could only get him to stop loving me so much that he wakes up at night to be with me--because I know he can't possibly be hungry--I mean look at this face!!
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