Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Watch dog and Marvelous Maverick

Kaitlyn turns 12!  Stephen was super dad and was "watch dog".  Matthew was excited because his buddy Ethan's dad was also Watch Dog.

Because it was a Friday, it was a morning assembly and the kids got to introduce Stephen.  I sat in the back and laughed because one by one, they each introduced Stephen as "Mr McKneely.  "Hi, my name is Kaitlyn and I'm in Mr. Boatfield's 6th grade class, and this is my dad, Mr. McKneely"....I'd had the fleeting thought that they should have all come up with funny names for him "Mr. Wonderful, Mr. Fix-it, Mr. scouter, Mr. Cool guy."  Maybe next time!
AND we were super excited because this guy was chosen as "Marvelous Maverick" for his class. Because he "always participates".  We were a little shocked, he's not always been the "best behaved" kid.  He's just a normal boy and kindergarten expects too much of energetic 5 year-old boys.  At any rate, we were not expecting him to get this award this year.  We were really happy!

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