Tuesday, May 31, 2016

March 2016: Week 4

It's soccer season!  Matthew plays for the Hawks, Sam plays for the Dragons.  Stephen is the Head "Super Dad" coach.

Matthew and his team have shown a lot of improvement this year.  They've won most of their games and it's fun to watch them grow.

The Dragons had a good year.  Some challenges because they lost one of their best players to a club team and the league decided to stack their team full of extra players (when the rule is everyone plays equal time it makes it hard--we are pretty sure we were the largest team in the league).  But these boys are the best.  They play because they want to play together.  Many of the families have said that if the team disbanded their son wouldn't continue playing.  They don't love soccer that much, they love playing together that much.  We ended up middle of the row in the league (some of that due to the rules of playing time) but these kids play with a lot of heart.

SO excited to have both my girls attend the "General Women's Broadcast" which is officially the first session of General Conference.  This is Lindsey's FIRST one as she's now 8 years old.  We attended with some friends the Lofgrens and hit up Sonic for milkshakes afterwards.  Love that these girls came prepared with notebooks to take notes, and they did listen.  Love these girls of mine!

Easter 2016

Funny kids ready for the traditional "Bunny Run Breakfast"

(great photo of the kids, not such a good one of Stephen)
And in their Sunday best!  Happy Easter!

We enjoyed a dinner with Stephen's sister Rachel and her family.  Yummy!

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