Monday, April 17, 2017

Hundreds Chart

Matthew came home from school the day before Spring Break beaming!  

At school there is something the school counselor does called the "Hundred's Chart".  When a teacher or staff member catches a student doing something good and kind towards another student, it is written on a post-it note and the student gets to pick a square on the chart, numbered 1-100 to put it.  When the chart gets full, then the counselor does a drawing and selects numbers and awards prizes.  

Sweet Matthew is on the chart about 3 times.  It got filled up and his number was chosen and he won a new lunch box filled with school supplies AND a free ice cream cone from Chick-fil-a.  So after school we went to celebrate the beginning of Spring Break AND Matthew's Hundreds chart.  And yes, he's wearing pajamas because it was a reward his class earned at school.

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