I still don't quite know what happened. The rocking chair rocked all the way back and all the way forward. Sam was on the ground on his knees in front of the rocking chair, I think he tried to use it to brace himself and it gave out. Then Lindsey somehow ended up in a large plastic bowl from IKEA and she was crying too. My instinct was to tend to Lindsey first. Once I realized she was okay, I looked to Sam who was holding his head and BLOOD was EVERYWHERE!!! It splatterd on the carpet, covered his clothing and mine. I couldn't tell where the blood was comming from it was running down his face, pooling in his ear, covering his FAVORITE YELLOW SOCCER BALL SHIRT (I'm still working on the stain but I think it's a casualty to the accident--if anyone see's one somewhere let me know!). But it's a headwound right? They bleed.
I scooped him up and headed to the bathroom, laid him on the counter and began to apply pressure while trying to think of who to call to help me as Kaitlyn was hovering and Lindsey was playing on the floor, which had drops of blood all over it. I had to leave a few times to grab a phone, and phone numbers. Kaitlyn was my fabulous little helper "gophering" for this and that and when she couldn't she'd take over applying pressure. I heard her sweet little voice reassuring Sam. "It's okay Sam, you're big sister's here, everything is going to be alright. I'm here to take care of you, it's okay buddy." Gosh, I love that girl!
We got the bleeding to stop. My neighbor came over to just offer another set of hands while I transfered him to the couch and put on a movie for him. I finally got Stephen and he left work a little early to come home and help me take him to the ER, my parents live close and they swooped down to feed my other 2 dinner and get them to bed.
Off to the ER. I HATE the red tape and forms and waiting. It's the same as any hospital and if I were president I'd change the system. We waited, and Sam played with cars and read books and was fine as can be, until the procedure:
Sammy is such a trooper! And what a big girl Kaitlyn is to help out. Wonderful kids. You are so blessed!
I hope that the first aid kit worked out! Sam looks a bit like Rocky Balboa now.... "Yo Adrian"
I can't believe that was you first time going to the ER for an injury with one of you kids. We have been there a few times....that is life with a boy. Glad he is doing better.
Yikes! How scary. It sounds like you had lots of great help, though.
Poor guy!
Well, I had to go to the ER a few times and I agree that it takes too long!!!! At least you had a lot of help and your little Kaitlyn was such a help! I bet when Sam is older he won't even remember how he got this scar!!!
I am proud of you for keeping your head. And what a great big sister. Glad to hear the accident was not too serious but a trip to the ER is a mess. What a little trooper.
Ouch! I'm glad Sam's ok. Leighanne has some miracle stain remover that involves Whisk and something else, she says it'll get out anything. Good luck with the shirt!
Yikes! You had to go to the ER too!! What is up with our crazy kids? Thankfully they both will heal and have a funny story.
I knew we would have an ER experience one day...I was just hoping it would be much later rather than now.
OUCH!!! So far so good--we haven't been to the ER yet, we have started in that direction a couple of times once when we thought they had broken a bone or something, but suddenly the hand that had been hurting for an hour is miraculously been healed!! he-he But you should have figured this would happen with Steven's kids--isn't he the one who jumped from the trampoline to a branch just to miss--OUCH! thanks for adding me too!
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