Sunday, March 1, 2009

The "J" Bag

An exciting event has occured in the life of our pre-schooler. It was her turn to bring home the "letter bag"!!

It's a backpack that rotates the class of students and each time it carries a different letter of the alphabet. This was Kaitlyn's first time to get the letter bag and in perfect Kaitlyn fashion she began planning it's contents while on the way home from school that day.

The instructions: Find 5 things from around your home that start with the letter J.

1. Jump rope
2. Jeep
3. Jello
4. a Jar of Jelly beans
5. A picture of Jesus

Kaitlyn helped a lot with these. On her own she came up with jump rope and jeep. We didn't have a jump rope so we went and found one. She also thought of Jar and I asked her to think of something eatable to put in the jar and we came up with Jelly Beans.

We've begun learning how to jump rope at our home and the jar of jelly beans is now a favorite noisemaker. WONDERUFL!! It's so fun to watch your kids get excited about learning.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I just finished reading your blog and feel like I am caught up now. Poor Lindz (great name btw ;))! What a trooper though. Even with the bruise, she is such an adorable kid! And what a fun trip to Zurich!

How did the painting go? Are you painting the whole house or a particular room? Good luck.

I hope you have a good day. We need to hang out sometime.
