Monday, August 10, 2009

Sam's pet names

Sam is 3 1/2. Usually at this age children start naming stuffed animals and at least with Kaitlyn most everything was named "Kaitlyn" after her. Sam has started doing this, but now he's branching off.....
Stephen is quite bothered that this takes a shot at Sam's manhood, and has tried to convince him to shorten it to "RJ" but Sam will have none of that.

Then there's PEANUT BUTTER:
Anyone noticing a theme here?

Then the collie A&M Mascot dog whose real name is Reveille has now been crowned HAMBURGER.

And this little penguin who we got the other night in a McDonalds is sometimes HOT DOG and sometimes OREO.


The McGary Family said...

At least Sam gives them names, Katie calls her puppy 'Puppy', dog is 'Dog', kitty cat is 'Kitty'. Not so creative.
Meg has a first and middle name for all her dolls and stuffed animals...way too much for me to remember.
this post made me smile...and get hungry!

Lois Lane said...

Do feed sam enough? :0)