After the princesses, and Tink, and the Diaper Dash upset, you'd think that was enough for one day right? It IS, BUT.....this is Disney!!
We enjoyed miniature golfing on the top deck (I wonder how many balls get thrown off the boat each trip?)
And we finished up one of the most clever activities I think--it's an on board mystery. You get a card with a who done it mystery and there are 10 "paintings" on the ship that are really computer screens. You have one of 2 mysteries and you hold up a card to the painting (which is really a computer screen) and it starts into the mystery giving you a clue and you have your list of villains that you're trying to narrow down the who done it. It was very clever, a great activity for us to do to fill time throughout the week. Our mystery involved stolen paintings and I think Maleficent was the one who was our culprit--bad lady!!
And while Matthew took a nap, Stephen took the older 3 to the pool and the much anticipated AQUA-Duck--a 750 foot enclosed water slide on the top of the boat that at one point has you going out over the edge of the ship so all that's below you is a 150 foot drop to the ocean! Kaitlyn and Sam each went twice and were super thrilled with it! Wish they'd brought a camera!!
That night Kaitlyn cried because she didn't want the vacation to end--inside I was right with her, I didn't want it to end either.
We had an early morning breakfast--here we are with our glorious waiters who took care of us each time--they were amazing!!
And then we got off the boat--here we are with it in the background--time for 8 hours in the car!! (we had to be jump started because we accidentally left an indoor light on!! oops! Thanks to a good guy named Jon who rescued us!)
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