Sunday, June 3, 2012

Last week of School

This school year really has flown by.  And honestly I think I was just as excited as the kids for Summer to arrive.  I LOVE having my children home, scheduling our days with flexibility, doing fun worthwhile activities with them and just enjoying the lazy days of summer.

I thought it almost cruel that we had to go back for 3 days after the Memorial Day Holiday but fun things were planned for them so they wanted to go to school.  

(As a parent I have to say I've been a bit disappointed by how early it seems they've tapered off the learning.  Kaitlyn's class took down their desks with 3 more days of school left!  And Sam's dinner conversation was about the 3 movies he'd watched that day in school.  I really feel for the teachers as they have all their resources taken from them before school is officially over, but state mandated number of days in school makes them improvise with toy & board game days, movie watching, etc until the school year is over.  I'd yank them out but then they miss all the fun--like the following......)

TUESDAY--was Sam's class party.  I'm one of 3 room mom's so this has been in the works for a few weeks.  Things are still a bit strained with all the drama a month ago, I was personally really nervous how things would go but everyone was cordial and I'm glad that time can heal some of this over the summer.  Here is Sam with some of his buds from Kindergarten....

WEDNESDAY--was Kaitlyn's class party AND Kite Day!  

Kite day was rained out earlier in the year and had been rescheduled, wouldn't you know that it rained this day too?  Sam and Kaitlyn were disappointed, we'd even taken them out this past Saturday to Celebration Park for them to try out their kites--that went really well, so they were excited.  When it rained, we were glad we'd spent the time on Saturday though enjoying their kites even thought it wasn't with friends.  We'll try again next year!

 Kaitlyn's class party was great!  I have ADORED her teacher this year:

 Mrs. Lee is patient, loving, sweet, and encouraging.  I'm amazed at her love and vision for each child, they are individuals to her and she was PERFECT for my Kaitlyn this year!  She presented each child with this shirt--here is Kaitlyn's class all wearing the shirts! 
Next year will be a lot harder for Kaitlyn, 3rd grade is the first year of standardized testing and in Texas that is a big deal with a lot of pressure for the kids to perform well.  Kaitlyn has been so blessed with good teachers every year, it's a matter of prayer for me and will be again!

We were treated with some Popsicles on the walk home from school the last day--it was a nice surprise for this cute family to fill a cooler with popcicles and hand them out to us walking folk--fun and random gestures of kindness sometimes are really great!


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