Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Kids say the darndest things...

My children have been saying funny things lately and I have to write them down:

Matthew has a new thing he does when he's frustrated.  He pounds his fist and says what sounds like "Donut!", (Darn it)--I try and not let him see me smile since it only makes him more frustrated.

Lindsey in her first week of preschool was asked to spell her name outloud.  She complied and started spelling, L--I--N--D.....then she got lazy and told her teacher to do the rest.  Ms. Kim encouraged her to finish spelling her own name to which she replied, "But I did the first half, it's only fair!"

AND yesterday when I picked her up from school I asked her about her day.  She couldn't come up with an answer to my question so she bangs her hand on her head and says "Brain, wake up!  Wake up brain!"

Then Sam said something really sweet this past weekend.  I was away at a scrapbook retreat having some "me" time.  He had a soccer game, that Stephen coaches.  I had always planned to come to the game to help corral the 3 non-soccer players, but I guess it was unexpected by Stephen and Sam.  After the game before I left to go back to my retreat Sam came to me, "Mom, am I more important to you than scrapbooking?"  to which I answered, "Of course!" and his face brightened into a huge grin.

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