Sunday, April 7, 2013

Spring Break Camp Out

 The McKneelys are campers.  We spent the first weekend of Spring Break with our McKneely cousins and grandparents at Tyler State Park camping and helping our cousin Elisa celebrate her 4th birthday.

We had a few campfires, roasted hot dogs and marshmallows for s'mores, scared off an assertive raccoon, attended a knot tying demonstration, and rented paddle boats:

We knew the rain was coming, and it did come on Saturday night.  Sunday morning we were going to head to church but Laura was sick and the focus became breaking their camp and getting them home.  Our kids were DONE and just not staying out of the way so thankfully we'd brought two cars and I headed home a bit early.  But we ate well, had a really great time and still LOVE camping!

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