Monday, March 17, 2014

Dallas Millennial Choirs and Orchestra (DMCO)


Kaitlyn and I performed in our first concert with DMCO at the Meyerson Hall.  It was AMAZING! 

The music was challenging and it has been so wonderful to dust off my vocal pipes and sing music that really makes me work, it makes the concert all the more rewarding.

I've loved sharing this experience with Katilyn too.  I got emotional just seeing Kaitlyn and her Children's Chorus come rushing onto the stage at their during The Polar Express' "Spirit of the Season", and she sang with her WHOLE HEART!  She loved it and I loved watching her.

Matthew loved this too, he heard me practicing and developed his favorite song of my concert list, "Go Tell it on the Mountain" which had men parts (his), women's parts (mine) and children's parts (Kaitlyn's).  Poor guy fell asleep before he got to hear it performed.

Lindsey listened to the concert and heard that children as young as 4 were on the stage, oh boy!  She sharply turned to Stephen and said that she was going to do it next semester!  Too funny.

It was such a stressful day, in the midst of Nativity preparations, on the eve of an impending ice storm that would threaten the exhibit, and that day there was a resident of the City of Allen in need that our church stepped in to literally save at the last minute (elderly gentlemen on hospice living in a condemned house with no roof and an ice storm about to hit).

I think it was all too much and the whole next day I was just a wreck, I would cry when I would think about how beautiful the whole experience was, I'm so grateful for music and what it makes me feel.

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