Wednesday, August 18, 2010

From 3, to 2, and now ONE!!

While Miss K was away at grandma's and I had one less running around, I took full advantage to re-focus my efforts on potty training this little one.

After about 5 days of pure accidents it finally clicked at church during nursery! And from that point on she stayed pretty dry, then the other kicked in a few days later.

We're having a few minor steps backwards but I am thrilled!

When Matthew came home from the hospital I had 3 in diapers for about 3 weeks, then I was down to 2, and now can you believe it I am basically down to only 1 in diapers! I haven't had it this easy since Linsdey was born 33 months ago!! I'm going to feel like I got a raise on the grocery budget (shhhhh--don't tell my husband!)

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