Thursday, June 19, 2008

Old Mission Buddies

A pleasant surprise to have my favorite (sorry for any others who read this, I have many close favorites--Angela & Jen) mission companion Keralyn blow through North Texas for a family reunion. She hadn’t met my kids yet, any of them, so we met up at this fun place called Bucca di Beppo. She’d never been and living in a small Idaho town, knew she wouldn’t see the likes of a place like this for a while. The food is served family style and there were 7 adults. We ordered 4 things to try and stuffed ourselves! The food was fabulous.

We were a little worried about how our kids would do in a restaurant situation, because we don’t attempt things like this with 3 under the age of 4, we’re not into that kind of abuse. But they did okay. The restaurant does this cute thing where they let the kids color pictures and then hang them up on the “fridge” in the kitchen that you get to walk through on your way into the restaurant. Here is KP’s masterpiece!

I am so thankful that I served a mission, I met eternal friends there. It was clearly one of the best decisions I ever made.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Yay! how fun that you got to see Keralyn! How is she doing?? How are you! Thanks for finding my blog and pointing yours out to me. We'll keep in much better contact this way, eh?
It's so fun to see your sweet family. Hope to see you in July!Love you!