Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sacrament Meeting Follow-up

Okay, so we're braving the whole sacrament meeting thing okay. It definately is more than I can handle alone and I've come to grips with that and I'm allowing others to be blessed for their service to me.

So for Family Home Evening the Monday before he first sits on the stand we actually went to the church. Showed the kiddos where Dad was going to sit (he even demonstrated like a good sport) and where we were going to sit. We explained that while he wasn't going to sit with us anymore, he could still see us and we could see him. We further explained that he would be watching to see how we behaved and to just keep an eye out in case I had to take a mad dash out and leave a couple on the pew. It worked AMAZINGLY well!
The first Sunday, we're sitting on our row and Stephen comes out from a meeting into the chapel, and Sam in his regular sacrament meeting voice (LOUD) says, "Hi dad, hi-ee, Dad, sit up there!" And is pointing to the stand. They got it!

A few funny stories:
  • I think it was the second week, but a family a few rows behind us with 2 boys about the ages of Kaitlyn and Sam had their younger one start acting up. (Hey we're not always the most entertaining row to watch, but we're always in the top 3!)He was making some noise and so the Dad got up to take him out. Sam looked at me and says, "Mom, there's Jacob....Jacob crying Mom!....Jacob needs to be quiet in church!" I explained to him that his Daddy was trying to help him learn to be reverent just like I am trying to teach my kids. Hey while we don't always follow through, at least he get's the concept of what he SHOULD be doing.
  • A couple weeks ago I tried putting a couple cars into the church bag to see how well it kept Sam's attention. Well I didn't choose the right ones because I chose Doc and Lightning McQueen but I thought 2 was plenty and left Mater at home. BIG Mistake! He kept asking, in a not so quiet voice, "Mom, where's Mater?", repeatedly! I guess he was hoping the answer would now I let my kids decide their own figurines as I pack the church bag.
  • That same Sunday (was an exciting one) Sam was really anxious to go to Nursery class. He was asking, "Almost time to go Mom?" from the time they played the sacrament hymn. The kind family in front of us saves us often during church. (Their Dad admits that us moving to sit behind them since Stephen's calling has made him actually look forward to church again because of all the free entertainment!) So Sam was sitting with them (and they're on thef front row). During the practice hymn following the closing prayer, I finally answered his question the way he wanted me to and he got so excited that he escaped the hands of the Jacobson's and ran to the base of the stand and yelled up to where Stephen was sitting, "Daaaad, Almost time ta Gooooo! You couldn't help but smile!
  • Then just today I swear Sam talked the enire meeting in his normal voice. I kept demonstrating a quiet hushed voice and asking him to use it, nothin doin. He's not behaving badly, it's just he's not quiet at all and can't seem to be. I can't hear a THING being said and it's likely that neither can those around us. In Relief Society a good friend of mine comes up and says, "I've been meaning to ask you how it is you keep your children so reverent during church." I was SHOCKED to say the least, I asked her if we were talking about the same children. But it just goes to show you what I am so sure everyone is watching and taking note of they really arent.
All in all, I think we're taking it in stride. Some weeks are better than others, I realize that my church attendance isn't really for me right now because I get next to nothing out of the meetings. Right now I am helping my children develop habits of reverent sabbath behavior. Someday it will be my turn again!

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