Millennial Choirs and Orchestras is going on tour. Participants from all 5 locations are gathering in Washington DC to perform a concert and record an album! The girls and I are thrilled to participate in that. And we've decided to turn it into our summer vacation trip. 2 weeks total--this should be fun!
We had a bit of an eventful time getting on the road. Stephen had already more permanently fixed the bumper, changed the oil and air filter. We'd had the tires rotated and balanced. I thought the van was in good shape for a cross country trip. But the morning we were scheduled to leave Stephen informed me he also wanted to change the spark plugs. It was supposed to just take an hour. But it didn't. After changing them at first the car wouldn't start. But then it did. On the road.
So on the road again. Somewhere in about Sulphur Springs a really bored police officer decided to pull Stephen over for going only about 5 miles over the speed limit. He wasn't so pleased with me taking this picture. But he didn't get a ticket, just a "warning". It was ridiculous.
We got as far as Dublin, Virginia the first day. Not as far as we wanted but considering our late start it was good. We found a wonderful place to go to church about an hour down the road and it was great.
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