Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Fun in July

Summer was really hard.  Before mom died I had GRAND PLANS for the summertime.  I LOVE having my kids home, planning fun outings and doing really cool stuff.  But EVERYTHING was overwhelming to me.  I was depressed and couldn't do anything I really wanted to do with them and that made me even more sad.  But little by little we ventured out.  We went to the arboretum on a gorgeous day!

Lindsey accomplished a GREAT task of growing her hair long enough to donate.  I was so proud of her and her hair was so cute cut short!

Pioneer Day!
I've always wanted to celebrate Pioneer Day.  On the heels of Trek I thought my kids would be into it.  We watched 17 miracles, made freezer strawberry jam and bread to eat with it, and drew pictures.

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