Monday, December 29, 2014

June 2014--End of School Year Festivities

Life goes on.  I think that's been the hardest part.  I wish life could stop for a few weeks and let me just grieve.  This week was SUPER HARD.  My children like their routine.  Any change in that routine results in them being out of sorts and harder to handle.  The only problem is, I feel like I'm in a fog, life moves slower and I just can't do ALL that they're used to me doing.  I can't carry on 4 conversations simultaneously for example, keeping our family running is so overwhelming.  The morning routine getting them all out the door for school has been the WORST.  I broke down one morning and Stephen just took over.  I'm grateful it's the last week of school and pretty soon I won't "have" to get anyone anywhere.

But with the last week of school comes the end of year class parties.  Our school does combined grade level parties out on the playground and of course they all want me there.  This is really hard as I'm still really grieving and everyone knows us and knows what's going on, I feel like everyone is watching me and I cry really easy when people offer their sympathies.  It's hard to lose someone so publicly I've decided.

But I did are some photos of the fun:

Kaitlyn is finishing the 4th grade with Mrs. Berry.....

Sam is finishing the 2nd grade with our favorite Mrs. Lee--(who was also Kaitlyn's teacher) and who is taking a hiatus from teaching to raise her boys.  She's pregnant with baby #2 and has decided to be a mommy full time.  We are sad for us but happy for her.  She is THE BEST!
And Lindsey is finishing kindergarten with Mrs. McIntyre. 


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