Thursday, March 9, 2017

January 2017 week 4

Kaitlyn and her flute section participated in an Ensemble Competition and received a "Superior" rating which is the best you can have.  They sounded lovely, and the judge was impressed with how many parents came to support their kids.  I love living in Allen.

Mom's 3rd birthday in heaven.  It's always SO cold!  It was a Sunday and we had church later so morning was the best time for us to visit her grave.  So we enjoyed muffins for breakfast, we sang her the happy birthday song, and let off balloons with messages for her.  Poor Matthew didn't get the memo to bring a coat.  He was cold and mourning his lack of preparation, not his sweet grandma.

Our family has a new favorite game that Aaron gave us for Christmas--it's super fun.  It requires some skill and a lot of luck so it really can be anyone's game each time we play.

Bluebonnet Breakfast.  We have a wonderful librarian at our school, Mrs. Carol Fancher.  Each year she does a special breakfast before school for students who have read 5 or more of the recognized Bluebonnet books.  Sam has been going for a few years, but this was the first year that Lindsey was allowed to go and goodness this girl was motivated to get her books read.  Proud to raise readers!

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